AWX 로그설정
- AWX 버전 : 17.1.0
- Settings - Logging settings - Edit
- Logging Aggregator : Logstash Host IP
- Logging Aggregator Port : Logstash Listen Port (기 사용중이단 5044포트와 다른 5045로 별도 지정하였음)
- Logging Aggregator Type : logstash
- Logging Aggregator Username : Logstash user(여기서는 사용하지 않음.)
- Logging Aggregator Password/Token : Logstash password (여기서는 사용하지 않음)
- Logging Aggregator Protocol : TCP
- Logging Aggregator Level Threshold : log level info 이상 설정 (job_events의 경우 info level로 로그 이벤트가 생성)
- Loggers Sending Data to Log Aggregator Form
- job_events: Provides data returned from the Ansible callback module
- activity_stream: Displays the record of changes to the objects within the Ansible Tower application
- system_tracking: Provides fact data gathered by Ansible setup module (i.e. gather_facts: True) when job templates are ran with Enable Fact Cache selected
- awx: Provides generic server logs, which include logs that would normally be written to a file. It contains the standard metadata that all logs have, except it only has the message from the log statement.
- 참조 : https://docs.ansible.com/ansible-tower/latest/html/administration/logging.html
AWX Log Test
- Logstash 대신 간단히 nc를 사용하여 awx에서 인입되는 로그정보를 확인할수 있다.
- Logstash Host 에서 nc 로 5045 port Listen 하고 json 표출로 jq를 사용.
> nc -kl 5045 | jq
기본 스키마
- cluster_host_id: Unique identifier of the host within the Tower cluster
- awx의 클러스터 호스트 ID
- level: Standard python log level, roughly reflecting the significance of the event All of the data loggers as a part of this feature use INFO level, but the other Tower logs will use different levels as appropriate
- 로그 레벨
- logger_name: Name of the logger we use in the settings, for example, “activity_stream”
- Loggers Sending Data to Log Aggregator Form 에서 설정했던 항목의 구분이 가능하다. 예를 들면 "logger_name": "awx.analytics.job_events"
- @timestamp: Time of log
- path: File path in code where the log was generated
"@timestamp": "2022-06-16T06:40:21.866Z",
"message": "scaling down worker pid:9469",
"host": "awx",
"level": "WARNING",
"logger_name": "awx.main.dispatch",
"stack_info": null,
"cluster_host_id": "awx",
"tower_uuid": null
- template 등의 job이 실행 될때 생성되는 로그 이벤트로 "event_data" 의 sub-dict 을 갖는다.
"@timestamp": "2022-06-16T06:40:21.591Z",
"message": "Event data saved.",
"host": "",
"level": "INFO",
"logger_name": "awx.analytics.job_events",
"id": null,
"modified": null,
"event": "playbook_on_task_start",
"event_data": {
"playbook": "playbook/04.windows_vss_backup.yml",
"playbook_uuid": "9743065e-2c57-4629-b95f-6f2049dba3b6",
"play": "all",
"play_uuid": "0242ac13-0005-3fe4-c86f-000000000006",
"play_pattern": "all",
"task": "debug",
"task_uuid": "0242ac13-0005-3fe4-c86f-000000000009",
"task_action": "debug",
"task_args": "",
"task_path": "/tmp/bwrap_113_8rx1p1t5/awx_113_dc8ouo_m/project/playbook/04.windows_vss_backup.yml:10",
"name": "debug",
"is_conditional": false,
"uuid": "0242ac13-0005-3fe4-c86f-000000000009"
"failed": false,
"changed": false,
"uuid": "0242ac13-0005-3fe4-c86f-000000000009",
"playbook": "playbook/04.windows_vss_backup.yml",
"play": "all",
"role": "",
"task": "debug",
"counter": 6,
"stdout": "\r\nTASK [debug] *******************************************************************",
"verbosity": 0,
"start_line": 5,
"end_line": 7,
"created": "2022-06-16T06:40:21.583Z",
"job": 113,
"host_name": "",
"parent_uuid": "0242ac13-0005-3fe4-c86f-000000000006",
"event_display": "Task Started (debug)",
"cluster_host_id": "awx",
"tower_uuid": null
- awx의 설정이 변경 될때마다 생성되는 로그 이벤트로 아래와 같은 스키마를 갖는다.
- actor: Username of the user who took the action documented in the log
- changes: JSON summary of what fields changed, and their old/new values.
- operation: The basic category of the changed logged in the activity stream, for instance, “associate”.
- object1: Information about the primary object being operated on, consistent with what we show in the activity stream
- object2: If applicable, the second object involved in the action
- 아래는 inventory 내의 remote_server host를 비활성화(enable false) 했을때 생성되는 로그 이벤트이다.
"@timestamp": "2022-06-17T02:07:44.926Z",
"message": "Activity Stream update entry for host",
"host": "awxweb",
"level": "INFO",
"logger_name": "awx.analytics.activity_stream",
"stack_info": null,
"changes": {
"enabled": [
"relationship": "",
"actor": "admin",
"operation": "update",
"object1": "host",
"object2": "",
"summary_fields": {
"host": [
"id": 11,
"name": "remote_server",
"description": "imported"
"actor": {
"id": 1,
"username": "admin",
"first_name": "",
"last_name": ""
"cluster_host_id": "awx",
"tower_uuid": null
Logstash Pipeline 설정
- Logstash에 기본 5044 포트를 사용하는 다른 설정들이 존재하여 input tags를 사용하여 filter, output에서 사용하기 편하게 구분지어 주었다.
input {
tcp {
port => 5045
host => ""
tags => ["awx"]
filter {
if "awx" in [tags] {
json {
source => "message"
output {
if [tags] == "awx"{
elasticsearch {
hosts => "http://localhost:9200"
index => "awx-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
Elasticsearch Discover
- awx template job_events 가 실행되었을때
- inventory host "test_win", "remote_server"
- playbook "04.windows_vss_backup.yml" task(once VSS backup) 실행
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