Monitoring Tools/ELK Stack

8. Windows Sysmon + Winlogbeat + logstash

ploz 2022. 4. 26. 17:12

1. sysmon Download :


Sysmon - Windows Sysinternals

Monitors and reports key system activity via the Windows event log.

2. sysmon config file :


GitHub - SwiftOnSecurity/sysmon-config: Sysmon configuration file template with default high-quality event tracing

Sysmon configuration file template with default high-quality event tracing - GitHub - SwiftOnSecurity/sysmon-config: Sysmon configuration file template with default high-quality event tracing

3. 설치 진행 : 최초 설치 -l, 변경 적용 -c

Sysmon64.exe -accepteula -i C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Sysmon\sysmonconfig-export.xml -l -n


4. 설치 확인


5. 로그위치 : C:\Windows\System32\winevt\Logs


6. 이벤트 뷰어 확인


7. 참조 Event Code

Event ID 설명
1 프로세스 생성
2 프로세스가 파일 생성시간을 변경
3 네트워크 연결
4 Sysmon 서비스 상태 변경
5 프로세스 종료
6 드라이버 로드
7 이미지 로드 (“-l” 옵션으로 활성화 필요)
8 다른 프로세스에서 스레드 생성
9 RawAccessRead 탐지 (프로세스가 “\\.\” 표기법 이용하여 드라이브 접근시)
10 특정 프로세스가 다른 프로세스 Access (ex. Mimikatz > lsass.exe)
11 파일 생성 (생성 및 덮어쓰기)
12 레지스트리 이벤트 (키 값 생성 및 삭제)
13 레지스트리 이벤트 (DWORD 및 QWORD 유형의 레지스트리 값 수정)
14 레지스트리 이벤트 (키 및 값 이름 변경)
15 FileCreateStreamHash (파일 다운로드와 관련된 Zone.identifier 확인)
17 PipeEvent (파이프 생성)
18 PipeEvent (파이프 연결)
19 WmiEventFilter 활동이 감지 됨 (악성코드 실행시 사용될 가능성 있음)
20 WmiEventConsumer 활동이 감지 됨
21 WmiEventConsumerToFilter 활동이 감지 됨
255 Sysmon 오류


8. winlogbeat download :


Download Winlogbeat | Ship Windows Event Logs | Elastic

Download Winlogbeat, the open source tool for shipping Windows event logs to Elasticsearch to get insight into your system, application, and security information.


9. winlogbeat.yml

  - name: Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational
# ------------------------------ Logstash Output -------------------------------
  # The Logstash hosts
  hosts: [""]


10. 설치

PS C:\winlogbeat-6.1.1-windows-x86_64\winlogbeat-6.1.1-windows-x86_64> .\install-service-winlogbeat.ps1


11. 테스트

PS C:\winlogbeat-6.1.1-windows-x86_64\winlogbeat-6.1.1-windows-x86_64> .\winlogbeat.exe test config -c .\winlogbeat.y
ml -e
2018/03/16 06:55:58.025085 beat.go:436: INFO Home path: [C:\winlogbeat-6.1.1-windows-x86_64\winlogbeat-6.1.1-windows-x86_64] Config path: [C:\winlogbeat-6.1.1-windows-x86_64\winlogbeat-6.1.1-windows-x86_64] Data path: [C:\winlogbeat-6.1.1-windows-x86_64\winlogbeat-6.1.1-windows-x86_64\data] Logs path: [C:\winlogbeat-6.1.1-windows-x86_64\winlogbeat-6.1.1-windows-x86_64\logs]
2018/03/16 06:55:58.025085 metrics.go:23: INFO Metrics logging every 30s
2018/03/16 06:55:58.026092 beat.go:443: INFO Beat UUID: 5ef661c8-806f-465d-b3db-5f1d4def5309
2018/03/16 06:55:58.029186 beat.go:203: INFO Setup Beat: winlogbeat; Version: 6.1.1
2018/03/16 06:55:58.030192 client.go:123: INFO Elasticsearch url: http://localhost:9200
2018/03/16 06:55:58.030192 module.go:76: INFO Beat name: DESKTOP-AKG019N
2018/03/16 06:55:58.030192 winlogbeat.go:56: INFO State will be read from and persisted to C:\winlogbeat-6.1.1-windows-x86_64\winlogbeat-6.1.1-windows-x86_64\data\.winlogbeat.yml
Config OK


12. 서비스 실행 및 중지

PS C:\winlogbeat-6.1.1-windows-x86_64\winlogbeat-6.1.1-windows-x86_64> Start-Service winlogbeat
PS C:\winlogbeat-6.1.1-windows-x86_64\winlogbeat-6.1.1-windows-x86_64> Stop-Service winlogbeat


13. logstash conf

input {
	beats {
    		port => 5044

filter {
	if ([event_data][hashes][altsha1]) {
		mutate {
			split => ["[event_data][hashes][altsha1]" , "="]
			add_field => { "[event_data][hashes][sha1]" => "%{[event_data][hashes][altsha1]][1]}" }
			remove_field => [ "[event_data][hashes][altsha1]"]

	if ([event_data][hashes][altmd5]) {
  		mutate {
      			split => ["[event_data][hashes][altmd5]" , "="]
      			add_field => { "[event_data][hashes][md5]" => "%{[event_data][hashes][altmd5]][1]}" }
      			remove_field => [ "[event_data][hashes][altmd5]"]

	if ([event_data][hashes][altsha256]) {
   		mutate {
      			split => ["[event_data][hashes][altsha256]" , "="]
      			add_field => { "[event_data][hashes][sha256]" => "%{[event_data][hashes][altsha256]][1]}" }
      			remove_field => [ "[event_data][hashes][altsha256]"]

	if ([event_data][hashes][altimphash]) {
   		mutate {
     			split => ["[event_data][hashes][altimphash]" , "="]
     			add_field => { "[event_data][hashes][imphash]" => "%{[event_data][hashes][altimphash]][1]}" }
     			remove_field => [ "[event_data][hashes][altimphash]"]

	if ([event_id] == 1) {
   		grok {
      			match => { "message" => "http://%{IP:[remote_ip]}/%{GREEDYDATA:[event_data][powershell_file]}'" }

output {
	stdout { codec => rubydebug }
  	elasticsearch {
    		hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
    		index => "logstash-winlogs"